WOMA worker retired

For the first time in the WOMA history Daniel Koehler needs to retire one of his workers. Gerhard Schlegel from the neighboring place Weilar has earned-well his pension after 45 man-years. Four years he was part of the WOMA team and will further be - in a mini job. As experienced mechanic he could teach the youngsters still a lot.

In honour of Gerhard's retirement WOMA was celebrating a great barbecue.
PS: Thanks, Gerhard!


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WOMA Wood Machinery Daniel Köhler · Am langen Streif 8 · 36433 Bad Salzungen / OT Langenfeld · Germany
Ph: +49 (0)3695 858450-0 · Fax +49 (0)3695 858450-9 · info@woma-brush.com

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