Automatic Copying Shaper for Brush & Broom Blocks

  • Woma-No.: H02-637
  • Make: Boucherie / Belgium
  • Type: KBF
  • Comments:

    fully automatic copying shaper with rotating clamping table for perfect surface without shaping against wood fibre

    complete mechanical overhauling with new cylinders, piston rods, bearings, covers etc.
    new electric wiring and control cabinet
    new pneumatic system with FESTO components
    new milling cutters and clamps, adjustment to customized sample

  • Download: Download Boucherie copy shapers.pdf
  • Inquiry:
  • WOMA Wood Machinery Daniel Köhler · Am langen Streif 8 · 36433 Bad Salzungen / OT Langenfeld · Germany
    Ph: +49 (0)3695 858450-0 · Fax +49 (0)3695 858450-9 ·

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